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8 results for keyword:debit balance
8 results for keyword:debit balance

Dutch consumers remain cautious when it comes to borrowing money

For the second year in a row, less consumer credit was granted in the Netherlands than in the previous year.


Consumer borrowing more than 1 billion down

Dutch households took out nearly 9.7 billion euro in consumer credit in 2009, i.e. 1.2 billion down on 2008 and the lowest level of the past decade.


Consumer debt marginally higher

Overdrafts on current accounts rose by 5.5 percent in 2008 relative to 2007. Dutch consumers borrowed 1 percent more in 2008 than in the previous year.


Consumers borrow just as much as in 2006

Dutch consumers borrowed 10.4 billion euro in 2007, the same amount as in 2006.


Households borrow less

Dutch households borrowed less money for consumption purposes in 2006 than in the eight preceding years. The outstanding debt on consumer loans has fallen further.


Fewer loans, higher overdraft

The Dutch population borrowed less in the form of consumer credit in 2005 than in 2004.


Almost 200 billion euro in Dutch savings accounts

The savings of private individuals reached almost 200 billion euro in 2004. People put almost 11 billion euro more into their savings accounts than they took out. Outstanding debt on consumer credit...
